Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Lots of years

Today is our wedding anniversary.  I surprised my wife with the dozen reds. And we are going to lunch and a movie. What we do on this day isn't the most important thing. Rather, it's how we feel about each other.

I am grateful for every day that we have together, as partners in this life and best friends. We have worked together, fished together, birthed animals together, sailed together, cried together, and laughed together.

All these years were part of a growing process in our relationship.  We didn't know how to be a couple at first because neither of us understood how to have a relationship.  We weathered a lot of storms over these years. The love that we have did not lessen over time but has grown. Hoping for many more years together, C.


  1. Yes. Every word a true one.
    Y'all have a wonderful time celebrating your love and your marriage and how much both have grown.

  2. Happy Anniversary. Love isn't magical, love is work but the reward is worth every tear, stroke and smile. Wonderful to hear you have such a love and respect for each other.

  3. This day was my parent's anniversary, too. Best of luck to the both of you for many more years together!

  4. lovely...happy is ever growing
    and figuring it out..i hope i never stop learning how to
    love all the more...and you as well...

  5. Happy anniversary to you both! It's been wonderful to vicariously watch your love grow in recovery.

  6. Such gorgeous roses! Wishing you and C a wonderful anniversary

  7. Wonderfully said Syd. After 30 years this year I still don't understand why, but she still keeps me around too. Best of love to you both.

  8. Congratulations Syd! Y and I have been married for 34 years we grew up together and hopefully we are still learning and growing ...

  9. Beautiful said. I wish you both the best. The flowers are lovely.

  10. Sounds like you've made a good job of growing in your marriage, Syd. How lucky you both are to have each other. Best wished for many more happy years.


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