Sunday, May 16, 2010

A surprise at home

I got home only a few minutes ago from a day of sailing.  It was a nice day with a good breeze, but I am tired after being on the water.  I decided to catch up on my journal after taking a much needed shower.  I like to write about what happens at a more personal level than what I write about on my blog.  It's something that I have been doing for years and have found particularly helpful in my recovery.

Anyway, I was going to write about the great sail, the fabulous spaghetti dinner that I fixed last night, the book that I am reading, the long walk on the beach this morning.  But as I sat down on the couch to begin, I saw an Apple box sitting there.  In it was the new iPad. And it was a gift from C. for my retirement.  I heard her laugh with glee as I found the box and then walked over and asked innocently "What's this?".  She takes great delight in getting me those things that I would not get for myself.  She has a great knack for these surprises.

So I haven't written anything in my journal.  Instead, I have booted up the iPad, been playing with it, have loaded it with my photos, videos, books, and apps.  I need to put it away as it would be easy for me to stay up all night just messing around with it.  But tomorrow is a work day, and I have to be up at 6 AM.  So I'm going to finish up my blog from the iPad blogger application, shut it down and go to bed, trying not to think about that sleek little piece of technology that has been added to my retinue of other geeky stuff.  My weakness is technology--everything from computers to cameras.  I dig it all.

I'm going to go snuggle next to C. and let her know that once again she got me good.  And she has me for good as well.  Good night all.


  1. How exciting -- and romantic too! You are deeply loved.

  2. aaahh :)

    yes i identify with the gadget thing. :) Can't resist them! I haven't had time to think about getting the ipad but I would really like one at some point. I think they look great.
    I think it is really !! sweet that C knows the right gift for you based on what she knows you would buy for yourself. Perfect retirement gift :)

  3. What a wonderful gift..
    Thanks for sharing the good times also

  4. nice...sounds like a fun new toy. i used to get excited by gadgets, but as long as my computer is working i am fine....

  5. That's awesome! I hope you enjoy it! :)

  6. C. is a very special person to share your life with. Enjoy!

  7. That was really sweet and thoughtful of her...she loves you!

  8. What a lovely, gorgeous surprise! How thoughtful. And how very, very cool!

  9. Man, what a sweet gift! I am happy for you. C. is a keeper.

  10. I love surprises. And people with a knack for giving them. Congrats on the many gifts life has given you, your ability to recognize and appreciate them, and your willingness to share. I feel a little residual glow each time I read a post like this. Thanks for spreading your happiness around. It might be contagious.

  11. Nice! A knack for finding the perfect gift, indeed :)

  12. How sweet...the whole post! I love how excited she was to watch you get your gift. :o)

  13. how kool is that?? I want one! lol

  14. Sweet. I especially LOVE the ending.


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