Monday, December 27, 2010

The aftermath

Well, Christmas has come and gone.  It was a good day.  We were up early to assemble some things for the buffet lunch.  Everything had been prepared in advance, except for a few dishes.  Around ten, C.'s mom and dad came over, and we opened presents.  Santa was good to all of us.

People started arriving around noon and kept coming until around 2 PM.  It was great to see friends from our meetings and enjoy their company.  I knew that all the work was worthwhile when one lady from a meeting came up to me and said, "You know this is the best Christmas I have had in a long time." She had tears in her eyes.

There was way more to eat than was needed which is usually the case with us.  We worry that there isn't enough and thus overcompensate.  So yesterday, on Boxing Day, I boxed up some cookies, fudge, and BBQ and took it to some friends.  I also took containers of everything to C.'s parents house so that they could enjoy the food as well.  We will still be eating it this week.

After every one left on Christmas day, and we had put away the food and washed dishes,  I went for a ride to the beach.  I reflected on the day: the build up to the day, and now the aftermath of it all.  What came to mind was that Christmas was work, a lot of work.  I worked to prepare food, to help decorate, to buy gifts, to keep my expectations from overwhelming me, and to be a good host.  Although there is a great outpouring of energy into all of this,  I know that I received a lot back.  I reflected on seeing the delight that others had and my being part of a big family that I never had.  I had a feeling of such great love for my wife who is probably the best person that I know. 

At the end of it all, I can truly say that it would be a marvelous thing if the spirit of that one day could extend to every day.


  1. I for one am really glad this X-mas is I am working on putting behind me some stuff that went on with a family(sibling)member.

  2. The feeling yes, the work NO!
    But it sounds like you did Christmas just right and had a great one and I am glad of that.

  3. i wish too that the feeling of joy could carry forward...made me smile at the best christmas ever...

  4. Assembly required. Something worth remembering.

  5. Sometimes the best rewards come from the things we work at. I hope the memories of this Christmas give you simply, joy filled memories.

  6. Merry Christmas, Syd :)

  7. you are so right, and that is why Scrooge professes to "carry the spirit of Christmas in his heart all the year long". Christmas is work, but as with most things that are, it has it's own precious rewards! I'm glad you had such a Merry Christmas.....

  8. it sounds like an awesome Christmas you had and I am glad that you had a good time. It sounds like your family is incredibly generous, which is really great. I also like the picture by the way :-)

  9. I had few expectations this year, and the outcomes were way better than I'd expected!

  10. Ah for the spirit you have found in your Christmas. I promise not to be envious, but appreciate instead.

  11. Awesome day! Sounds like you were a blessing - as well as blessed yourself :) So nice!

  12. gotta agree with ms. moon... yes to the feeling, no to the work. it always makes me sad that the build-up is relatively long, whilst the moment itself feels like a split second.

  13. Yes if the feeling could carry on and cant be Christmas every day but the x'mas spirit can live on endlessly

  14. I am very happy you had a good day and I am very happy for your connection and love for C.
    So glad the program has restored the thing that brought you together in the first place and that alcoholism nearly tore apart.

  15. yes, it is a LOT of work and it is so worth it, every minute. even the tense moment we had with wes's brothers, it went very well. i enjoyed the good and the bad. we had my sister and her family come over to eat some left over pies last night. since the 23 we have had no less than 10 people in this tiny little house, it has been bursting with family. merry christmas syd.

  16. Glad it went well. I thought of you on Christmas Day.




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