Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The birthday girl

I think that the birthday girl had a nice day.  She opened her presents (note the plural) first thing this morning.  And she seemed thrilled with my choices--a couple of light weight sailing shirts, a wide brim hat, and the sea glass necklace.  I knew better than to not give her anything for her birthday.  I fell for that one Christmas and saw the brief flash of sadness in her eyes before she put on a smile.

After the presents were opened, she went to the gym while I prepared the picnic lunch.  After she came home from the gym and showered, we headed out on the water.  It was a beautiful morning.  We caught the dropping tide, fished for a while and had our lunch.
We saw a lot of mullet jumping but didn't get a strike on the plugs that we were using.  Well, actually, we each hooked a clump of oysters and had to do some finagling to get the plugs back.  Soon, we noticed some ugly storm clouds forming.  The storm clouds brought a down pour, so we headed back to the boat landing. 

Although the fishing trip was a bit of a washout, we still had a good time. It was nice to just be together.  I know that C. is feeling the loss of the relationship that she used to have with her parents.  Her mom would usually send cards and have a gift.  This year, her mother called to wish her a happy birthday, but dementia has taken such a toll that she wasn't making much sense.  Her father is in the nursing home.  Things are definitely not as they were a year ago--not for any of us really.  At least this year, C. is healthy and not recovering from a heart attack.  Her parents are failing, but they are cared for and loved.  

It's another year in the life of someone that I love dearly.  I am hoping for many more years that we can spend together.  I would do anything for her.  She knows that. 


  1. What a great post. How much better would the world be if we all had more days like that in our life.

  2. yeah i fell for that once too...not a great christmas...glad she has a great birthday...and regardless of catching anything you spent time together...

  3. That sounds like a splendid way to spend a birthday, Syd, fishing in the sea of life.

  4. Sometimes the best days are the very most simple ones. And good for you for getting presents for her. Especially the necklace. I do not know why, but most of us women love jewelry. We can't help but love adornment.
    I am so glad you two have each other.

  5. Thanks for sharing this for me in blogger land. Nice to hear you both a good day.

  6. Happy (belated?) Birthday C . . . You are so blessed to have each other, but you know that.

  7. this post is full of love :) It's nice to read! I'm glad you and C were able to have a good day, and that the gifts were enjoyed

  8. My wife and I are strange we have each given the other all the gifts we ever bother to give other than each others day every day. I guess we're both just cheap that way. There was a time though...

    I am glad you all got to at least get out on the water and no it is not easy watching them you love fade away, yet at the same time when the day comes and you have to let them go, if you are ready you to will be at peace with them and content at the good they brought to your lives.

  9. Happy birthday to C. I'm glad your day was good despite the poor fishing. It sounded like you were thoughtful of C's loves and likes and focused on her. <3

  10. Happy birthday to C and wishing her many, many more with you! This sounds like a day to remember.

  11. Happy birthday to your wife...I am so sorry her parents are not the same. :(

  12. Now that we have been married 35 years, I truly appreciate this post. My husband and I have grown together as friends, spending lazy days together...often we don't do gifts, but when he does I am SO pleased!

    Best wishes to C!!

  13. What a perfect birthday! Sweet and serene, just the right touch of simplicity and romance.....You are a good soul....

  14. I wonder if anyone else reading this sighed "awwwww" and kinda wished they had a husband like you. I did. Someday my guy on a white horse will come - but I don't need him to rescue me, just ride next to me!

    Happy Birthday to C!

    Great gift selections!

  15. Happy Birthday to C. What a blessing a good marriage is.

  16. Happy Birthday to C! It sounds like you had a wonderful day together. What a blessing.

    The clouds do look nasty, but also beautiful.

  17. just a beautiful post; thank you so much! wishing you both a world of love :)

  18. Your wife's sadness is understandable. Some of life's changes are not easy to adjust to.

    With the minimalist movement afoot these days, it's hard to know for sure - when someone says they don't want presents - if they truly don't or if they are being polite. Thankfully you learned from experience. I think we always want something from our significant other, whether it's a gift or nice meal or something else to mark the day as "special". Ya done good :)

  19. Well done on the gifts, Syd. And yes, we may say we don't want them, but get them anyway. Deep down we want them.


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