Friday, October 26, 2007

Beyond Normal

I'm reading a book called The Short Bus by Jonathan Mooney. I seem to remember that someone from one of the blogs recommended it. Anyway, the book is basically about the author's trip across the US in a short bus, the symbol for his learning disability as well as that of others that he encounters. The book is written with humor but there is an undercurrent of sadness because of his feeling that he never fit in with the rest of the kids in school.

I found myself thinking about the kids who were in the special ed class when I was in school. Many of them were ADHD, others were probably challenged due to fetal alcohol syndrome, and others no doubt had other problems that made them "different". I look back now on how it must have felt to be in a special class. I don't remember teasing any of these kids but I also didn't go out of my way to be close to them.

I never felt that I really fit in either but for different reasons than having a learning disability. It's good to read this book and have an understanding of how people not only separate themselves but are separated by the educational system because they don't fit what's considered "normal".


  1. I had a hard time in school, I'm ADD, back then of course they didn't have meds, or treatment for it, I wasn't in a special class tho.

    I am also codependent, I was raised in an alcoholic home, & all my relationships were with alcoholics/addicts. I went for awhile, am thinking of going back, it helped me. After all, I deal with alcoholics all the time. Yes, the focus of AA meetings is being shifted, & that pisses me off. AA gave these people the 12 steps to start their own meetings. Why aren't they going? They're still escaping, that's why. But the treatment centers are part of the problem. There's no money in AA, so there are no alcoholics, only addicts. The newcomers need to be educated. Get them to read about the history of AA, & the singleness of purpose. Ok, that's enough out of me. Thanks for your comment.

  2. my youngest son was finally diagnosed with LD in 11th grade. Even tho he thought himself stupid by then, he was not and hated going to that special room for special kids. He is taking college classes now and he is asking for accomadations like a quiet room to take a test. Thank God he's grown since high school!


Let me know what you think. I like reading what you have to say.