Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Unity and Tradition One

"Unity presents not only the necessary climate for the growth of Al-Anon as a whole but also the atmosphere in which each member within the group may acquire peace of mind. " The Twelve Steps and Traditions

We talked about Tradition One last night. Unity is certainly one of the great things about the program. And unity can equate to harmony in our daily lives.

I have learned that I don't have to be right about everything. I don't have to try to exert my will over others. Acceptance of the minority viewpoints and willingness to listen to what others have to say will not only be a good guide in meetings but in life as well.

That's what's so great about the program. It's the fact that these are principles for living. All I need to do is be willing to surrender and check my ego at the door. If I listen to others, then I can learn something from everyone who shares E, S, and H.

I'm grateful for the honesty of the newcomer last night who shared something that was painful to her. And I'm grateful to help celebrate the 17 years of recovery by a gracious lady in my home group. She shared that by giving up control, she gained much more than she ever thought. Keep coming back, it works.


  1. Thanks for posting this Syd (and thanks for the comment). I've needed to hear this, this week. Thank goodness I have a meeting tonight.

  2. Amen, brother about those principles. I used to base most of my actions on how I felt. Principles just rock!

  3. Absolutely! I need the principles of the traditions as much as I need the steps. They help in relationships.

    I love that there are new comers, & old timers, & in betweeners, in meetings. We need them all. We definately need the unity.

  4. Sure glad I'm not a non-believer.

  5. thanks for not adding "if you work it" at the bottom of your post.
    I love meetings that have a tradition as the topic.

  6. Syd, what a great inspirational post.

  7. oh yes control. i'm realising more and more in my daily living that to give it up actually creates harmony.

  8. Hey Syd. Thanks for visiting my Blog (www.alanondiary.blogspot.com). And thanks for the invitation to visit yours. Kewl stuff. I like what you have written.

    Come visit us this weekend. We are trying something new, trying to hold an Al-Anon Online Meeting from Friday until late Sunday. All the Comments you can type, cross-talking and eating while talking is permitted - in fact encouraged! HoPe to see you there


  9. So true. We have a woman from Al-Anon who has been coming to our morning meeting. She makes some people uncomfortable because she is not an alcoholic. I am grateful to say that your blog and comments has helped me to welcome her and to help my fellow alcoholics understand why she needs us and we need her. She is getting me some AlAnon literature from her meetings that I can "leave" around the house for my husband and children. Yes, unity and ESH. It does work.

  10. Sometimes leaving one's ego at the front door is difficult but so very necessary. Just think how enjoyable our daily lives could be if everyone did this.

  11. I did that last night. Checked my ego at the door and surrendered to another meeting adventure. They don't read or talk about the Traditions there. But I was just visiting, thank GOd.
    And thank God for newcomers and long timers who keep the door open for 'em

  12. Just dropping by to check on you. Hope your week end is great.


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