Saturday, February 16, 2008

A three day weekend

I'm looking forward to three days away from work. No deadlines and commitments, just hanging out and maybe going on the boat. There's a big event in town and I might go by to watch some of the Dock Dog events and see the animals.

The weekend is supposed to be glorious here. Light winds, no rain and temps near 70 degrees. I just feel spring coming on. Maybe I'm still not done with winter but the plants in the yard are letting me know that it's time to leaf out. I hope that they don't get fooled because March can sometimes be quirky.

I've had four Al-Anon meetings this week. I think that I needed them. For some reason, I let my expectations get hold of me and when that happens, I know that I'm heading down a slippery slope. Thank goodness for daily readings, talks with my sponsor and several meetings where I heard what I needed to hear. That's no coincidence. I seem to hear what I need at just the time that I'm about to go deeper into despair. I think that indicates the wonder of this program and its power in my life.


  1. How does an AlAnon know if he/she has relapsed? (that's actually a serious question)

  2. 3 day weekend... it should be a law!!! you are lucky. enjoy it and the imminent change of seasons. i'm also looking forward to it. it's always a wonder to me how god knew just how long a season should be. just before boredom and complacency hits, it changes...

  3. We are having beautiful weather also, it really lifts the spirit doesn't it?

  4. Oh golly, you've been hit! I hope your three days off were glorious. I went to a really good meeting Friday at the end of the day, heard just what I heard, and had a pretty glorious weekend here in Virginia.

  5. I hope you had a great weekend and found some much deserved serenity.

  6. 70 and days off sound so lovely. I had the days off--but its snowing here.
    Hope it was a lovely time on the boat

  7. i'm so jealous just reading your title again... lucky guy you! aaah well, it'll be my turn too at some stage....


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