Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Friday

The photo above is in the entrance hall. I'm going to post a Christmas photo every day. I guess that I'm in the spirit!

Yesterday there was a good meeting on "Let It Begin with Me". This was a timely topic for me, especially in view of my thoughts about service work this week. I know that getting honest with myself about what I can realistically do and what I can't is an essential part of the slogan.

If I want things to change in my life for the better then it will need to begin with me. When I first came to Al-Anon, my marriage was just about dead. This was a last ditch effort for me. I didn't want to live with alcoholism, I wanted to get away from the anger, shame and humiliation that was the fall out from the disease.

After I began to finally hear what was being said in meetings and through the help of my sponsor and the steps, I began to shift my focus from the alcoholic to myself: my attitudes, my actions, my thoughts, my emotions began to be clearer. I began to see who I was and who I could be.

And I've come to learn that it can begin with me when I'm wearing my program right. I can be of maximum service to others when things are okay in my head. And that means that my motives are right, my expectations aren't clouding my vision which allows me to share what I have with others. Becoming a part of the beginning of recovery for others is a great gift of the program.


  1. Hi Syd,
    Happy Christmas, I am getting to be a right intermitant blogger and when I do post its all about work!
    I really value your opinion on this zeitgeist movement, do you think its another crazy idea, i have posted a link on my friday post.
    Its my 5th Christmas sober and by some coincidence the fifth Christmas I will remember.
    Ill post again soon

  2. you are so wise... how old did you say you were, heee heee heee.

    your insight and take on things have helped me more than i can ever express. i'd like to thank you for that!

  3. Syd, maybe I missed this. Do you live in an historic house? If so tell us more about it. Your photo was lovely.

  4. Very lovely photo. Very lovely post. Very lovely Syd.

  5. Love the picture. The glow is warm and inviting.

    I'm always amazed at how much healthier I feel now that I've begun recovery for me. My thinking is cleared and therefore my direction and focus is on me and not on my addict. Just where it should be. And in so doing, He is a healthier person too. Not magical, but hard work and constant examining and shifting toward the truth of what is true has changed my life.

    I'm looking forward to your picture a day!

  6. Syd what a great idea posting a holiay photo!

    Let it begin with me is something I keep reminding myself - when I feel like I am nearing the end of the rope.

    Have a great Friday and weekend!


  7. This is a great post! So true!
    Your house looks amazing! A beautiful photo, amazing words, and it's Friday!


  8. today I read in the BB that we recovery through spirital and altruistic means. I had to look up altrusitic.
    1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
    2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species
    I think that means if I don't know how to take care of myself I an cannot know how to effectively be of benefit to others. It has to begin with me. Thank you. Great post.

  9. Good post. Maybe it didn't "begin with me", but I'll sure try my best to "keep it going!" Thanks.
    Peace, and Love,

    Good idesa, the photos, beautiful one today!

  10. I love the size of your tree. It's amazing how things change for the better when we get out of our own heads.

  11. Beautiful photo and I would also love to hear more about your house! It looks quite charming and filled with old world character.

    Wonderful post....Let it begin with me has become my mantra as I become consumed with watching what everyone is doing and thinking how they could do it better. I am awful.

  12. Geez, Syd, I didn't realize I've missed some of your posts and some good pics too. I'll have to back track. I email some of your pics to my husband....he loves boats, lighthouses, etc.


    Glad you are in the Christmas spirit...

  13. Beautiful post... you do sound strong from this program. I'm a member for 17 months now.

    i go to 3 f2f weekly and I do the phone bridges.

    You house is beautiful......

    I was dating for almost 2 years a wonderful man with a Queen Anne Victorian home .. a 1900 one right by the water in a borough in NYC....... I miss the home.......but he was an Alcoholic and I had to end it right before Christmas 2 years ago. I'm divorce and I don't want to raise my child with someone like that....... he turned 50 and recently called me in the middle of the night.. (yes DD - drunk dialing).

    I miss him.. but will never let him know. I already grew up in Alcholic Home; and don't want my soon to be 13 year old growoing up like that ..............

    I have two older children that graduated college in May .. they'll be 25 and 23 (both with addictions; Video Games and Alcohol) I put up with it out of love until they graduated college and then they had to live on their own. (well the video addict one won't work and lives with his father).

    I'm glad addictions skipped over me; and my younger child does not have any of the ism.. he is so different then they were at the same age. I'm hoping he is fine.

    Glad I found your blog......

    I only read a couple of entries; but you sound strong........ good for you. :)

    Betty Ann


Let me know what you think. I like reading what you have to say.