Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday comes after Wednesday

Today is my noon meeting. I haven't been to it in a couple of weeks, so I'm looking forward to seeing the regulars there. It is the oldest Al-Anon meeting in this town. And since it's at noon time, that means that I will get home tonight right after work.

I took the day off yesterday and did some Christmas things. I wrapped presents for my wife. I took a nap. And I bought a new Blue.

Blue who was wrecked on November 26 has been the subject of much discussion between the insurance adjusters and the body shop. The body shop wants to total Blue because she has a bent frame. The adjusters are wanting to go over every inch and hope for a fix. So I made a decision (sounds like step 3) and decided that if the frame is bent, I won't be keeping Blue. Structural integrity is something that I want in a car. A bent frame doesn't fill me with much confidence.

So I looked at what was available in the pre-owned (nice fancy word for used) certified listings. And there she was: a 2006 Monaco Blue 330 ci with 6 speed manual. Too good to be true I thought. So I made an appointment for us to go "look". One look and I was sold. Kinda atypical for this Capricorn. But with all the incentives being offered, it seemed like acting now instead of later was the best idea. So now there is a new Blue. Merry Christmas to us.

And if that isn't enough, after the meeting on Tuesday when I said that I was rotating out of service for the Beginner's Group, I was approached by a fellow who asked me to be his sponsor. God is sending me a message here. Service is where He wants me.


  1. As I was once told, service with a smile. Congrats on the new blue. I think it was a wise decision insurance adjusters temp fate and take their sweet time. (Hugs)Indigo

  2. It is sooooo good to see God showing off and keeping his special people busy doing special work! Glad you decided to be of service, Syd; this - sponsorship - is one of the greatest recovery tools Al-Anon offers.

    Congratulations; keep coming back!
    Anonymous #1

  3. Structural integrity is as important for vehicles as it is for people, lol. Congratulations, & hope you have as much pleasure from the new Blue as you did from the old. I laughed when I got to the end of your post and read the bit about the guy approaching to ask if you'd be his sponsor - I've had a few of those moments myself. I decide I'm going to take a rest from service, and my Higher Power decides otherwise.
    Happy Christmas!

  4. yay glad you decided to not wait on the insurance adjusters to make a descion. I am glad you could
    your life seems so peaceful and nice :)

  5. What would the insurance company's liability be if you got in another accident and the failed structural integrity cost you a limb, your mobility or someone's life? Damned cheapskates. I'm glad you bought a new vehicle, but I hope the insurance company wides up (I won't hold my breath).

  6. I'm so excited you got your Christmas present early!

  7. I'm so thrilled that everything is falling into place. Isn't it cool how God takes the wheel and works things out for us?

    Bless you, Syd. Thank you so much for your encouragement.

  8. Yay! A new car! How nice! Blessings as you work the steps with your new sponsee. I am on my 3rd Step with my sponsor! In fact, I am off to call her in a few! Blessings, Lisa

  9. does it sing "Am I Blue". Ick that was bad and it did not come from Daave. Good for you for being of service. Its a Gift.

  10. a new blue! woweeeee. i agree, a bent frame's not something to play with.

  11. I bet you make for a great sponsor!

    New cars, even pre-owned, are fun! But it should be previously owned, because only the time before the car was owned would be the 'pre-owned' time frame. I know, I'm picky.

  12. Yea, Syd, I thought a bent frame was a done deal. No fixing. (I wrecked my boyfriend's car when I was 17....bent frame)

  13. I'm glad you found a new Blue and hope you had a wonderful Christmas.


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