Sunday, June 7, 2009

Heard in a Meeting

  • Boundaries are a tool not a weapon.
  • Fear and faith can't exist in my head at the same time
  • Resentment is an opportunity to be self-righteous.
  • I thought that my intelligence fueled by will power could rightly control my life and guarantee me success in the world. I was wrong.
  • I have trusted others to make things right for me. That's an impossible task.
  • Character defects aren't like hills and valleys but like a railroad: Good and bad in parallel.
  • I practice the three Gets: Get out of the way, Get off their back, Get on with my life
If you have some good things that you have heard in a meeting, then post them on your site. It might be a good Sunday meme to start. Just an idea!


  1. Good morning, Syd!
    It's a bit after 7 am, and was delighted to see a blog invitation to share special things I have heard in a meeting. (By the way, all that you listed are unique; guess I'll add them to my repertoire!)

    One thing comes to my mind - during my early days in the Al-Anon fellowship. After complaining about the chaos in my household so often in meetings, one member very sagely said to me: "When things are most confusing, is when the Higher Power is rearranging things. Move aside, and let Him!" From this quiet statement, I learned that it is all right to NOT be in the middle of the mess, but to simply quietly step back and observe. With the practice of this new suggestion, I learned that most of the 'stuff' that was going on did not involve me in the first place! I have also learned to stop complaining so much about 'chaos;' instead, to acknowledge that my life has always been very exciting, both good and bad!

    Thanks for brightening my day!
    Anonymous #1

  2. My problem is that by the time a meeting is over, I've forgotten most of what I heard. So I just keep coming back for more.

  3. Heard at a meeting-paraphrasing- don't worry about the alcoholic leaving. They aren't going anywhere.

    Point was, as long as the co dependent plays along, the alcoholic is happy with that.

  4. 'Boundaries are a tool not a weapon.' that's excellent.

  5. these are awesome, thanks for starting my Sunday off right

  6. Good Stuff! I need all the help I can get with self rightiousness. I never like the 'fear vs faith' lines though. I prefer the gentler 'doubt is a part of every spiritual journey' quote in one of our readers. Happy Sunday.

  7. Wow, wow, wow! When I read that first bullet point about boundaries I was FLOORED. I have such an issue with boundaries. When I was drinking, I had no boundaries. Now that I'm not, I have a hard time realizing letting anyone in. I have huge barriers around me and I am really struggling with them. They are, in a way, weapons, forcefully keeping others from entering my newly sober place. It's really interesting to think about the good and the bad of boundaries. Have you read Anne Katherine's "Boundaries"? My therapist recommended it for me when I first started on my sober journey and it's an amazing book. Thank you so much for this post. It was such an eye-opener for me.

  8. Great post Syd. I did not hear this in a meeting, I heard it from my father when I was leaving home at the young age of 17. He said , remember, smile and laugh everyday, remember you are loved, is it ok to cry, no one can take away your soul, your heart and your positive thinking.

  9. These are all excellent ones Syd. Sometimes we don't realize just how important these saying are until the time comes when we find ourself repeating them.

    Thanks for the reminder of these.

    Now I have to think of others that have made an impact on my life. :)

  10. Just today I heard a member say "In AA we learn to celebrate our differences"....wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world could learn to do that!

  11. I too enjoy reading your posts "Heard in a Meeting". I would like to say that I disagree with the one about fear and faith can't be in my head at the same time. I happen to think they can.

    When you come to the point in life to have the courage to face your fears, you are also placing a bit of faith in knowing that what you fear won't be what rules you and your actions. Thus fear and faith can occur in your mind at the same time.

  12. Great quotes Syd. Thanks for sharing. I am so far behind on my blog reading...don't know if I will be able to get caught up. So forgive me for not commenting more....know that you always inspire me though. I appreciate the time you take to blog because it is part of my recovery journey. Thank you!

  13. Good and bad in parallel. Worth a little contemplation.

  14. I never heard the three gets before - thank you love them!

  15. Sundays...great idea for starting that meme.

  16. What inspiring words, I will have to make a mental note of things said at my meeting.


Let me know what you think. I like reading what you have to say.