Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Ten Best Moments of My Life

I read a post from another blogger about sharing the Ten Best Moments of my Life. I thought that was a good idea. So I'm going to post mine here are sort of in order of time but not priority.
  1. Graduating from college with high honors--it was a real "whew" moment
  2. Getting my Ph.D. --it made me have a great sense of accomplishment
  3. Getting my first job as a scientist--finally getting paid to do something I love
  4. Getting my first paper published--without revision. I was published as a scientist!
  5. Getting married--intending to spend my life with someone I deeply love
  6. Getting my first car--an old Mustang that I liked and was my very own
  7. Building our house--and acting as the general contractor
  8. Getting the top prize with one of my hobbies
  9. That Ah-Ha moment in recovery when I understood that I could Let Go
  10. A first kiss from a special person--another Ah-Ha moment
What are the ten best moments in your life?


  1. For me, receiving love and kindness from people i hold in very high esteem is the most wonderful gift i have been given so far. very humbling and filled with grace. life transforming if i am honest about it.
    My 10 would consist of those acts of generosity and kindness :) They have kept me alive and renewed my faith in humanity, so are priceless.

  2. It's so interesting that most of your top ten are the achievements of goals you set out to accomplish. That makes the moment when you realized that you had to 'let go' all the more amazing. When you're very goal oriented and you square off with addiction, letting go is not that easy. Great post.

  3. Wait a minute.
    I don't see "blogging" anywhere on your list.

  4. You really live a wonderful life Syd.

    Congratulations on all you do.

  5. hmmm, have to give this one some thought :-)

  6. what a great idea! I will make this my blog subject for today. and congrats on all you have accomplished!

  7. What a wonderful list of accomplishments! You just gotta love those AHA moments! Have a great weekend Syd!

  8. Syd, I sure appreciate your post, and already am thinking of mt "ten". A couple which came to mind surprised me, because they were events over which I even shed tears. Only to find God in there doing HIS miracle cleansing work.

    And I LOVE Madison's take, she really cut to the REAL stuff.

    And yes, where is BLOGGING in all that--maybe #11--you did say chronological rather than order of importance? --grin!

    Love and Peace!

  9. one of my favorite moments that i truly love, is the moment of silence at the end of a meeting when addicts pray for those needing recovery.

  10. you've got some great memories there...

  11. Gosh are really somethin! I mean that. Lots of amazing accomplishments there.

    I will need to post my list....thanks for the idea.

  12. Wow Syd, what a life you have created and what amazing achievements you have! I am in awe, and must think about my 10 best moments...

    thank you for writing this and sharing and asking us to think of!


  13. That's such a great list, wow you have achieved so much. You've got a lot to be very proud of.

  14. What a depressing question - can't think of 10, but at the top of the list, the best moments involved getting my first dog. And my second. I have a bit of work to do, I see. Thanks, as always, Syd.

  15. No alcoholic's list would even remotely resemble yours. I am glad to know you Syd. It is an honor. Truly.

  16. PhD=Pretty Hot Doctor??

    I'm just in one of those moods today..sorry :-D


  17. OMG.YOu are such a brainer! lol
    And I'm not the least bit surprised of your accomplishments,Syd.
    It's interesting though-in life we have so many small aha moments that add up to changing us daily-
    and then those big ones that change us forever...I love your blog..Thanks for sharing..xo

  18. What a nice list of accomplishments. I may take you up on the idea and make a blog entry out of it. Thanks.

  19. Just met you at Susan's blog.
    I'll do my list.
    The photos you choose are very beautiful.
    Happy to meet you!

  20. These are wonderful moments. :)

  21. GREAT list!! I'll post mine for sunday. Good idea. hugs. Tammy

  22. So glad to know you, Syd. You bring positivity to our world that is very needed.

  23. What a great thing to do ...listing the 10 best moments.
    A great exercise for us all!

  24. Love the list Syd, and I could just tell when reading it how proud and happy these things have made you. Kudos!

  25. Great list Syd!

    I'll do a shorter version of mine in a little while. Maybe a top 5.

  26. Ah- Ha great moments here for me to read, such wonderful moments for you. TY for sharing

  27. Oh! It's the right account but I'm also following you with the other account.
    I'm number 200 followers!
    Yippee Yippee!

  28. I copied this post to my blog.
    I wanted to share it with my friends.
    If you have any problem please tell me.


Let me know what you think. I like reading what you have to say.