Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday meanderings

This is a long weekend for me.  Monday is President's Day which is a holiday. And today I decided to take a vacation day.  I am happy to have a few days off.  Here are some things that I'm thinking about today:
  • Sleeping in until 7 AM actually tastes good.  It has a taste like freshly made coffee, cinammon rolls, and freshly squeezed orange juice. 
  • I am wondering how many men have sought medical help for an erection lasting longer than four hours. I mean what is the doctor going to do? Really.
  • The weather forecast is calling for some snow here this evening.  I dread going to the grocery store because there will be a frantic run on survival foods such as pizza and beer.  I wonder how many flakes, if any, we will see.  When it rains hard here, the roads are crazy.  I can't wait to see what snow would do. 
  • I moved outside of my comfort zone to sign up at Twitter. I'm not sure what I'm doing with it but if you want to play, then click on the icon on the side bar and we'll tweet back and forth. How corny is that? 
  • There's a blues bash in town. I really like some good blues.  Hopefully, the threat of three snow flakes won't cancel the band tonight. 
  • I'm glad that I'm not holed up in a hotel in Washington, DC waiting on a flight out.  I actually got stuck there in February 2003 following a meeting and could not get out for 3 days. 
  • I have a valentine for my sweetheart.  If you don't have one, it might be time to get busy.  Those little ones that we gave each other in elementary school were really neat. I still have some that I got in first and second grade.  I wonder if they make them anymore. 
Happy Friday to everyone.


  1. I hate to be a kill-joy, Syd, but your paragraph about an erection lasting more than 4 hours is no laughing matter.
    Having worked for over 23 years in an ER I can tell you that Priapism is a true urological emergency and if not treated can cause permanent damage.
    Other than's sending you a Valentine hug !

  2. I got your notice from Twitter, but it had been so long since I signed up I had no idea what my account was or the password. I got it figured out but doubt I will do much with it. I will stick with Facebook instead.

    Enjoy your weekend of leisure.

  3. You're sounding a bit feisty today! Yup, and they do still make those little vd cards...I sent a box to my grandson. Enjoy your long weekend.

  4. Enjoy your long weekend. I love blues music, too.

    The erection thing is hysterical.

    I don't Twitter. Don't even have a cell phone. I refuse.

  5. "I wonder how many flakes, if any, we will see."

    People or snow??

    I'm just giddy that I have completed an annotated bib and only have one quiz left for the whole weekend. We are getting flakes too...both kinds.


  6. No Twitter. This virtual communicating with strangers is getting overwhelming.

  7. It will be interesting to hear how you like Twitter. I don't see that it is something that would enhance my life and have chosen to just blog.
    Too many more things interfere with my life. It is always nice to hear someone speaking about relaxing and sleeping in and having a day off. I am soooooo interested in hearing about the blues bash.

  8. i tweet too, at least i did haven't tweeted in months it is really silly you only get so many words so it is like you see things like, 'ohh have some coffee now' or gotta get new shirt' i mean i think it is good if you are a texting person, but i HATE to text, if you want to talk to me on the phone CALL ME, you know. my daughter laughs at how slow i am at texting and then i just give her the phone and tell her to send my message. i need to get a valentine for my sweetie, i just don't know what.

  9. I'm following you on tweet a bit myself but mostly enjoy reading others' tweets. You might enjoy following @VeryShortStory

    Have a great long weekend!

  10. I think they still make the little ones, my boys would always grab a special one and leave it for me, with their candy stained hands after the valentines party at school anyway.

    have a great weekend.

  11. As a mother to a five and seven year old: yes. They still make old school valentines.

    I refuse to Twitter. Or Facebook. But I support your desire to do so. Have at it.

  12. Silly answer to number 2. Call the neighbors!

  13. Enjoy the blues. Endure the store. Happy long weekend, Syd.

  14. Every time I hear that warning on TV - for erections lasting more than 4 hours, I want to add, please call Mary at 303-91.....
    never mind.
    I bought my own valentines flowers today. sad, huh?

  15. I bought my son the Harry Potter Valentine cards, cute and little.

    As for long term erectile issues I have heard they give you a shot, Ouch!


Let me know what you think. I like reading what you have to say.