Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's electric

I am very tired.  But it is a good kind of tired.  I've been out on the boat since Thursday evening.  All kinds of weather presented itself--humid, calm,  severe thunderstorms, 35 mph gusts.  There were mosquitoes and biting flies that seemed to take advantage of the calms and rainy conditions.  It was an exciting time.  And it was also a really relaxing time with naps in the afternoon, lots of reading, and some good meals cooked. 

Today there were severe thunderstorm warnings which did materialize into some spectacular storms with lots of lightening against a dark sky.  The same thing happened at anchor last night.  The temperature dropped about 20 degrees and the wind howled.  I like to sit in the cockpit and watch the approach of a storm.  I don't feel afraid, even with a tall mast sticking up high.  Not much I can do except hope that everything is grounded well within the boat.

My fifth Al-Anon Anniversary was yesterday.  The day passed without much mention of it.  I thought briefly about how many changes have occurred in my outlook on life.  I can feel a difference within me.  It is a good feeling of acceptance of others, quiet faith that all will be okay, and not being driven to  strive for perfection.  I regularly give myself permission to have fun which is something that I neglected for too long.  

I will go to my home group tomorrow night, and we will have a small celebration.  Tonight, I am too tired to write much, but I am grateful for so much. I am grateful for another day,  those that I love, and a chance to keep doing those things that bring me joy.  So little means so much. 

Night, night all.


  1. Hi Syd

    My 5th Al-Anon Birthday is also sometime this, or next, week. I was quite up against it in those days, and I don't remember exactly when I started showing up. I do remember that I didn't say anything more than my name for the first 4 or 5 months. I am so grateful for this fellowship, this lifeline. I am also grateful for your blog. It is here when I can't seem to articulate my panic, my worry, my question. It is here when it simply doesn't occur to me to call my sponsor, or an Al-Anon friend. It is here when the hour is late. It is here when I am being petulant, childish, and self-indulgent, and I know it, and I am too embarrassed to call my sponsor. Thank you. Happy Birthday. You Rock.

  2. Love the photo, Syd. Thunderstorms are exciting! Life on your boat sounds lovely.

  3. awesome picture. Congrats on 5 years!

  4. happy anniversary! nice capture on the electrical storm...would not mind an afternoon nap...smiles.

  5. I am over from Walking man's blog. I am a photographer slash artist, love your display pic and it brought me here. Happy I came over....well done:)

  6. Do you get the kind of lightning that lights up the sky in huge tree-shapes? We get tiny forks, like on horror films. Just lots of 'em. We used to live in a house with wall to wall picture windows which were AMAZING for watching one particular thunder storm all night one night when I was about 10. It was truly spectacular.

  7. :) Happy anniversary! I cannot for the life of me remember the date that I began Alanon, I just remember the feeling of "ahhh" and the absolute assurance that I didn't end up in that room by accident :)

    I LOVE thunderstorms, especially on the water!

  8. Happy 5th Birthday, Syd. You're an inspiration.

  9. Happy 5th Anniversary! Beautiful photo, thank you for sharing.

  10. A very happy 5th. ~Mary

    ps good meals, reading, naps. Perfect.

  11. Congratulations, Syd. This month is my 1 year anniversary, and I'm just starting to see the little seeds planted starting to grow. Your blog has also helped me this past year, as you share your recovery, strength and hope. My life has never felt more tenuous (for many reasons) than it does now, but I just keep handing it over to HP. Even though I'm still not clear on HP, I hand it over anyway. And it helps.


  12. I love thunderstorms. Especially on the water! What a wondrous sight..

  13. Happy 5th anniversary Syd and thank you for sharing your journey in Al Anon - your posts bring much clarity as I journey too. This month will see my 2nd anniversary. I cannon envisage what my life would have been like had I not taken those tenuous first steps into Al Anon's rooms for the first time. I have received many gifts, the most precious of which include the joy of keeping my family together, the serenity that I so often feel and the pleasure that I now take in the little things of life which ironically seem to being the most happiness. I feel huge Gratitude for stumbling across (or was I led?) to your incredible blog which I count as part of my recovery. Thank you.

    ps Another cracking photograph.


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