Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thoughts at the end of 2015

I don't do New Year's resolutions. A year is too much to contemplate. When one is just about over, as 2015 is, I do like to look back and see where I need to improve.

My health is good and I ran, walked and exercised my way to 1,193.17 miles thus far in 2015.

I sailed my boat over 90 days and viewed the time spent on her as sacred, a chance to reset my mind and meditate.

I bought a horse who is the most wonderful creature I can imagine. I became a re-rider after years of not riding. It was a learning experience in many ways.

I made new friends, kept my expectations low and was glad that I did. Many of my new friends awakened in me activism that has become part of my life again after too many years.

I grieved the loss of several close friends and much loved pets. I keep their memory close.

I read reviling diatribes and insults that made me wonder about humanity. I saw so much tragedy in the news that my heart ached.

I continued on my path to recovery in Al-Anon through service, meetings and writing here.  Although the latter has become less frequent, I know that writing down my thoughts and reading yours has helped me.

I am not sure what 2016 will bring. But I am going to do my part to stay the course, make things a little better for others and be mindful of love and compassion as I go about each day.

Wishing you peace in 2016.


  1. Happy New Year, Syd! I think when we are our age and our lives are so very, very good, most of us would just wish for more of the same. At least that is true for me.
    So I wish for you continued good health, good love, good riding, sweet sailing. Work and contentment. Peace and a sense of accomplishment.
    And much joy.

  2. All good things in 2016, Syd, to you and your wife. Sounds like you are in a good place, quietly content and doing your best to contribute to the good in the world. The world could use a lot more of that.

  3. This is the first time I have read your blog. Thank you for following mine. I too am the daughter of an alcoholic father -
    I love what you have written and applaud all the steps you have taken this year.
    You have accomplished so much.
    May 2016 be a very significant year for you
    Well done and may 2016 be

  4. I don't do resolutions either, Syd. Actually I'm just glad that 2015 is behind us...not an easy year but I am going to concentrate on flipping that around this year ...helping others and in turn that helps me.


Let me know what you think. I like reading what you have to say.