Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Joie de vivre

I had to include a photo of the dolphin show that went on offshore. Just like the dolphin, I am so happy to be home and getting back on track. I met with my sponsor to finish up a lot of my Step Four work (Al-Anon's Blueprint for Progress and the AA step four worksheets) and have dinner. Then we went to my favorite meeting where there were about 30 people. It's generally a large group but tonight there were lots of regulars and quite a few newcomers.

There was a college student there with her dad. She asked him to come to the meeting because she could tell that something was amiss with him. He was irritable and just not happy. The college student shared that she was troubled to see the pain that her parents were going through and that she didn't know how things were going to turn out in their 30 year marriage. She was trying to do her work at school but was having a hard time dealing with the "death" of the family situation as she has known it. A lot of people offered her support after the meeting which was good.

I've been where she is, dying on the inside with a heart breaking because of the death of a relationship that once was great. Thankfully, I ended up in Al-Anon. I feel much more hope about my life and know that regardless of how things turn out, my HP will be there every step of the way.

Even though I can't know what tomorrow will bring, today I'm still alive, my life is full, and I feel happy to just be.


  1. yeah i think you seem much more yourself now that you are back. i'm glad you are feeling better.

  2. Me too Syd- for both of us! I feel like the dolphin today- except for the getting water in my eyes part LOL
    Welcome home , love ya!

  3. LOVE the dolphin post, and your enthusiasm.

  4. I just love your outlook Syd!
    The dolphins say a lot with their joyful bouts and dances in the waves don't they ? Thanks for sharing.


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