Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back to work

The holiday weekend was nice. I wasn't near a computer which didn't bother me surprisingly. I missed out on a lot of blog reading so I'm hoping to get caught up on that.

After picking up Compass Rose, I did some work on getting everything put back in her. There was a bit more electrical work to do as well. I had planned to put her in the water but decided to replace the old cleats with stainless steel. All of this took much of Saturday and Monday. Although I had planned to get her in the water this weekend, I didn't think that rushing to get it done was going to be a good idea. And the number of boats that were on the water on Memorial Day was a real deterrent. Every landing was filled to overflowing with cars and trailers.

On Sunday, I went to an outdoor art exhibit downtown and enjoyed seeing works by local artists. It's festival time in town so there is a lot going on. And the place is overrun with tourists. It was fun though to walk down the street and see so many people enjoying the sights and sounds of the old city.

Today, I'm back at work but heading out to catch a plane for a meeting in MD. I think that it's time for a gratitude list after this glorious weekend. So here's my thoughts on what I'm grateful for:
1. That my memories don't include anyone close to me who has died in a war
2. That there is so much beauty around me that it's hard to express it all in words
3. That my emotional wounds weren't enough to kill me
4. That my sponsor is back safely from a trip out of town
5. That I don't feel as if I need to "fix" anybody today

Hope that you are enjoying your work week. I'll check in later with each of you.

"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. " Thomas Merton


  1. A great list for the day in my opinion. Hope you had a safe flight and good luck with getting the boat ready to go. P.S. thanks for the blog comment before the weekend began!

  2. "4. That my sponsor is back safely from a trip out of town"

    Al-Anon has sponsors????!!!?

    Oy, boat ramps this weekend were for junior varsity/armature boaters. Holiday weekends require putting in the night before and docking the next day around 11am.

  3. I'm grateful for:
    kindred internet spirits
    Have a safe trip.

  4. Sounds like you work and play in a beautiful area, Syd. And you appreciate it. Nice.

  5. wonderful list there! and although i missed you, i'm equally glad you didn't miss your computer and went out there and had a great long weekend.


Let me know what you think. I like reading what you have to say.