Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Sober Birthday

Dearest C.,
I want to tell you how happy I am that you made a choice three years ago to not take a drink. For the last 3 years, one day at a time, you made the decision to not drink. I can't tell you how many times I wished for that to happen.

It was nice to hear your happiness when you got calls from friends in AA this morning. You found your way to a place where there is much love and support. I don't know whether you will be sharing your story today or not. But I hope that a newcomer will be at the meeting to realize that it is possible to be sober and enjoy life.

I admire you for giving as you have freely received. You have never been one who thought of rewards, recognition, or personal gain. Instead I see humility and a desire to help others. I appreciate that you live by the idea of fulfilling your needs by giving away what you have.

And I see how much you enjoy life. I sense a lot of contentment and joy in you. Whether it is time that we spend together or those things that you want to do, there is peace within for which I am truly grateful. Thank you for the privilege to share my life with you. It's a good life that we have together.

Much love,


  1. What a wonderful letter. You write with such feeling and depth.

  2. Congrats to C and to you for standing by her!!!

  3. Awww. You made me bawl here. Happy 3 years to your wife. What a touching tribute to your wife, sobriety and AA. Love you man!

  4. This is the sweetest and most heartfelt post.

    Congratulations to all parties!

  5. aaaaaahhh thats nice syd.
    very thoughtful as always :)

  6. I hope you have a chance to tell C this. It truly is amazing what a difference sobriety and the grace of a loving G-d make.

  7. What a great letter, Syd! This really inspires me. Thank you!

  8. A moving letter indeed! You continue to enhance the entire AA-ala-non experience for all those who find their way to you.

  9. Wow...lucky to have you in our lives! ALL OF US!

  10. Lovely sentiment - reminds me of a similar article I need to write in a few days...

    Blessings and aloha...

  11. Congrats to both of you Syd! I'm sure it has been a long journey, but days like this remind you that it is worth it.

  12. Dear Syd,

    I have not figured out how to send you a big smile, pat on the back, hugs for you and your spouse, and a feeling of great pride that I share with you in this accomplishment. I can only imagine the personal feelings that C experienced in accepting this
    3rd year chip!

    Congratulations to you both for 'hanging in there,' no matter what!

    Anonymous #1

  13. An incredible accomplishment, indeed. Congratulations to C. Well done :)

  14. Excellent Syd darlin' - Excellent

  15. Happy Birthday to your wife! She's workin' it!

  16. It's so good that you and your wife are both in recovery and very rare. She's a lucky gal to have you. Congratulations to her too!jeNN

  17. Wow. Be still my heart...

    great job!

  18. this brought a tear to my eye...I bet it did to hers too. Happy 3 Years.

  19. what a beautiful tribute to C, I am so happy for you both. You are both blessed to have one another.

    Thank you Syd for BEING YOU

  20. Sounds like y'all have that seesaw going just right.

  21. So beautifully written, congrats to C on 3 years sobriety.

  22. WOO HOO! Happy happy birthday to C
    Happy Happy Birthday to C
    Happy happy joy joy and stuff like that!!!!!!!!

    Amazing ain't it??

    It ain't easy, but thank God it is simple.

    Blessings and continued togetherness in recovery.

  23. I LOVE reading about sober birthdays.


Let me know what you think. I like reading what you have to say.