Sunday, April 25, 2010

Much going on

This afternoon is the "retirement" party.  I am taking my sponsor and another friend.  It is at a neat place overlooking the river. There will be music, BBQ, and some breezy weather to blow the "no-see-ums" away.  I have to say honestly that I am ambivalent about it at this point.  I just want to get through it.  If it's a good time then that will be great.  If it's not, then it will be over and that's okay too.  I've learned to have few expectations and to just go with the flow.

I stayed on the boat at the marina from Friday through this morning.  It has been blustery with storms rolling in this morning.  It rained most of the night.  At 2 AM, there was a lot of shouting at the marina.  I talked to a fellow who was rushing down the dock calling out for his 13 year old son who had gotten lost. He was in a panic.  So I kept an eye out, walking up on the boardwalk to see if there was a kid wandering around.  I heard the police announce that the boy had been found so I went back to our dock to tell the father.  He said, "Thank God" and took off running to get his son.  I was glad that the boy was found and not trying to play Hide and Seek on some of the boats. 

This morning I read on the front page that a 36 foot boat that used to dock at the marina was confiscated in a $30 million marijuana smuggling case off Bermuda.  The man who owns the boat is being held in jail in Bermuda.  He was well-known among local sailing enthusiasts.  Where does one put $30 million worth of marijuana on a 36 foot boat?  I don't think that the Bermudian authorities are much amused by drug smugglers so he is sitting in a cell awaiting a hearing.  It made me wonder how much of this kind of stuff goes on at a marina.  I confess to being naive about the waterfront drug scene.

And finally, tonight is the CBS movie about Lois Wilson.  It starts at 9 PM.  I am exiting the party to make it back to watch that program or at least that is my plan.  I am a bit tired after all the excitement last night.  Storms and lost children have left me rest broken.

Hope that you are enjoying your Sunday.  I'm going to take a quick nap before meeting up with my sponsor before the party.


  1. I hope your expectations for the party were exceeded...

    I'm hoping to catch the Lois W. movie tonight too.

  2. Boy, do I understand your ambivalence about all that. I hope it all works out best for you.

    Blessings and aloha...

  3. Save me some BBQ! Glad your sponsor and another friend are able to attend the retirement party with you. Maybe the 36 foot boat will be up for sale.
    People find ways and means to get their drugs in and around for sale and personal use no matter how risky it is. The storm here kept waking me last night, broken trees all over the place today. I hope you enjoy the party and that you get to watch the Lois story.

  4. Syd,
    I find that too much excitement leaves me feeling "rest broken" too. Chaperoning a dance for a group of 9 year old girls Friday night and hosting a birthday party for my daughter all day yesterday has left me in recovery mode today! I hope your party goes well. Like a meeting, you could think of what you might bring to it instead of get out of it! Good luck.

  5. wow. high drama. drugs, lost kids. just goes to show that wherever you go 'life' shows up..

    anyway, hope the party is alright. good timing on the Lois movie :) I like to think that you will be pleasantly surprised by some of the expressions of appreciation from your co workers.
    Anyway, sounds like it has been a busy weekend! Hope you catch up on the missed sleep/rest..

  6. Congratulations on your retirement! I can't wait to see what your new life has in store for you. I am sure that you will make it all worthwhile!

  7. I hope that you will have a wonderful time at your retirement party, you truly deserve it.

  8. I'm hoping the party is a good time for you. I hope there's a lot of laughing.

  9. Wow, much going on is right!

    Good luck at the retirement party, I hope it works out for you.

  10. You do have a lot going on! So glad the boy is safe!
    I hope you enjoy the party, my expectations were exceeded today with the Al-Anon picnic my husband and I went to. BUT, I am tired... which... I bet you will be tired after all the events you've had the past couple days... nothing like a good movie and snacks when you need to chill :) And we have one! :)
    God bless.

  11. I hope you have a wonderful evening! Or at least a fine one.

  12. You're a lot like me Syd. When a thing is done, I see no reason to drag it out. I hope the retirement party was a bit of fun for you. (Hugs)Indigo

  13. congrats on youre retirement, You deserve a lovely, peaceful journey farewell. I hope it made you feel wonderful!

  14. Thanks for the reminder about the movie!

    Having lived on a yacht on a tiny remote island for many years, I have seen it all with boats and drugs. No doubt the bilges were packed solid.

    It's all about making money. They never think about the lives they eff up in the process.

    Congratulations, Syd, on this new chapter of your life. No doubt you will meet your new challenges with grace.

  15. Enjoyed reading your blog very much.

  16. Your higher power will let the party unfold as it should. May you rest soundly and deeply tonight.

  17. Yea, waterfront smuggling. The boats tend to have hidden compartments like cars do. 30 million ment it was high quality... hope all is well, my sponser just gave me the assignment of reading chapters 1-4 in the big book. Being a retardedly slow reader it will take me a year...later

  18. It sounds like you are taking care of yourself with the retirement party.
    Marijuana is pretty much legal in my city although there is always some illegal growing that occurs.
    My friends home after renting it out was turned into a greenhouse for a few months. He was furious.
    Life has all kinds of twists and turns.
    Glad I have Alanon to soften the edges.

  19. A bitter-sweet rite of passage.
    Hope it went well --

  20. congratulations on your retirement.

    i tried to tune in to watch the show last night but we were really busy trying to get things done, Wes is going to download it for me to watch. i really need to post, i haven't in a week been busy scrambling for this daycare and now i am knee deep in paperwork and getting all my ducks in a row for her to come back out by friday.

    I stopped using baby wipes because I was going green and now i not only need baby wipes but I need a paper towel rack in the bathroom because using the hand towels is not sanitary. So for businesses you need to use more paper products.

  21. I hope the party was better than you thought.

  22. I hope you had a good time at the party, Syd.



  23. You must be meditating on your party experiences~ Looking forward to reading about how it went...


    nice to meet.
    thanks for the kindness.


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